Complete setup of BSF Life Cycle

Supr Enviro is farming sustainable Insect Protein (Black Soldier Fly “BSF” or Hermetia illucens). We are a complete life cycle BSF farming company, rearing BSF Eggs, Live BSF Larvae, BSF Pupae to Flies and BSF later excrement – Frass which is an excellent Organic Fertilizer for Agriculture.
We process the Live BSF Larvae, Dried BSF Larvae targeted at both local and export markets. BSF Larvae is an excellent Nutritional Feed for most types of Aqua Fishes, Livestock (especially Poultry & Pig) and Pet Food manufacturers as it contains high Protein, Fatty Acid, Calcium, Omega 3,6,& 9, and Chitin.
Our business model revolves around a very conscious effort to “Save Our Planet” through sustainable processes / methodology which are friendly to our environment. Our core value requires us to use only pre consumer Agro wastes & Food Wastes as substrate to feed our Live BSF Larvae. These Agro wastes & Food Wastes, which would otherwise go to Landfills, generate Green-house Gases that cause Climate change.

SuprEnviro is primarily focused on two different segments: Poultry Farms and Municipalities.
For Poultry Farms, we provide solutions to help control pollution and increase protein production while also transforming manure into organic compost. Our technology helps to reduce harmful emissions and minimize the impact of the farm on the surrounding environment. Additionally, we help farms to produce more protein with less waste, creating a more efficient and sustainable operation.
For Municipalities, we offer solutions to transform organic waste such as vegetable waste, fruit waste, slaughterhouse waste and agricultural waste into organic compost and insect protein. Our technology helps to divert waste from landfills and turn it into valuable resources. This not only reduces the amount of waste that needs to be disposed of but also creates a new source of revenue for the municipality.
At our core, we believe in sustainability and innovation and we are committed to developing solutions that benefit both our customers and the environment. We strive to create a world where waste is seen as a valuable resource and where sustainability is the norm rather than the exception.