Black Soldier Fly Eggs
Black Soldier Fly eggs can be a great resource for new entrepreneurs looking to start a BSF farm. Once the eggs hatch, the larvae can be used as a nutritious and protein-packed feed for pets, ornamental fish, poultry, and other animals. BSF eggs can be a cost-effective way to establish a new BSF farm, and our farm specializes in supplying high-quality BSF products, including eggs, across India. Our breed of flies is healthy and raised under optimal conditions to ensure the best quality eggs for our customers.
Black Soldier Fly Larvae - Live
Adult BSF Larvae – Live is a natural and sustainable feed that provides an excellent source of protein, calcium, amino acids, and many nutrients for the layer poultry, broiler poultry, aqua, and piggery industries. Compared to vegetable-based and animal protein, BSFL has higher digestibility, leading to healthier gut in chickens and improved health and welfare. Feeding BSFL to chickens contributes to better overall health, more eggs laid, and better-tasting eggs in layer poultry, as well as improved eggshell quality and healthier feathers in both layer and broiler chickens. In aquaculture, BSFL can increase production and is a natural component of the diets of livestock and fish. BSFL is also highly palatable, making it an attractive option for animal feed.

Black Soldier Fly Larvae - Dried
Dried BSF Larvae is a sustainable and natural feed alternative that has many benefits. It is high in protein, which makes it a great replacement for Soy Meal and Fishmeal in the feed of Poultry, Aqua, and Piggery industries. BSFL Dried also contains natural sources of Lysine and Methionine, which are essential amino acids for animal health.
Feeding Dried BSF Larvae to chickens can improve their gut health and welfare, leading to better overall health and increased egg production. It can also boost the production of immune system elements, promoting healthier animals.
In addition, Dried BSF Larvae is an excellent feed for ornamental fishes and pets. For small fish and pets, it is recommended to hand crush before feeding. With its high palatability and good feed conversion rate, Dried BSF Larvae is a sustainable and nutritious feed choice for various animal species.
Black Soldier Fly Pre-pupae
The pre-pupae stage is the final stage before the Black Soldier Fly transforms into an adult fly. Pre-pupae are harvested from the larval stage when they have reached a specific size, usually around 8-10 mm in length. Pre-pupae are lower in fat than the larvae but are still high in protein and other nutrients. They are used primarily in the production of animal feed.

Supr Grubs
100% Natural & Organic, Rich Protein, High Nutrient, High Calcium, Improves Gut Health – Food / Treats for Oscar, Arowana, Flowerhorn, Turtles, Hens, Roosters, Parrots, Macaw, Country Chickens.
Dosage: For Fishes & Birds:
Feed 2-3 Larvae twice or thrice a day. Increase gradually based on consumption. Remove any leftovers.
For Dogs, Cats & Reptiles:
Consume directly or mix with other Food / Milk with 25% consumption.
For Dogs, For Small Pet Birds:
Crush the Larvae first before feeding small Pet Birds.
Packing: 50 Gr & 120 Gr

Supr Grubs
100% Natural & Organic, Rich in Protein, High Nutrient, High Calcium, Improves Gut Health, Immunity Booster – Food Treats for Dogs & Cats.
Dosage: Add 2 – 3 Spoons of Supr Treats – BSFL Powder in every meal for the best result.